Girls are not as desired due to the 'name passing' tradition. If women kept their names after marriage, and their daughters took the mother's name and passed it down to their daughters, the whole name thing would go away, and we could also trace our family back through the maternal line. Boys would continue their Dad's name as usual.
Do you think girls should take their mothers name the way boys take their father's name?
its not a NEW idea . Its done in many cultures.
Reply:Some cultures already do this. I think it is an Hispanic tradition for the child to take the mother's last name, although I do not know how often it is done anymore, particularly in the US.
Reply:Well the whole taking of your husbands name and getting rid of your father's name is kind of a bid deal when you get married, in my eyes. I don't know if it would be the same if I had my mother's last name.
Reply:That would be a very good idea!
Reply:you could but mostly mothers prefer to give their daughters the same middle name just like guys give first names
Reply:I end up with my Mother's last name, actually most of us did besides my sister. Lucky her the only one who ended up with my Father's last name. I would prefer to have carried out his last name instead because I would have kept it. I hope my sister keeps her last name, even when she marries because she is the only one with it.
Reply:I think this is a great idea, when we had our son we gave him both our last names, as i kept mine.
Reply:That's a really interesting system. I like it. =)
I personally much would have prefered my mother's maiden name to the name I got lol
Reply:no that would be confusing brother and sister with different sir names
Reply:Lets just screw around with more family traditions. Better yet lets just stop having family's altogether.
Reply:I am more old fashioned - I personally like having my husband's name. Not because I felt that I had too, but because I wanted to. Although I do agree that more women should have their last name carried on as well.
Reply:a lot of portuguese people have 2 last names, both the father's and mother's........ and, women always have the choice whether to take their husbands name when they marry.
Reply:Whatever makes you happy :) I think that it is easier if everyone in the faimly has the last name it reduces confusion
Reply:I don't agree with that. I think once a woman gets married, she should take her husband's name and the entire family should have one last name. You could still trace your family history through the maternal line, most people know their mother's maiden name.
Reply:I like the idea. I know women who kept their last name, but used the husbands last name for their children. This is much fairer.
Reply:your making life more confusing... if it isn't brok then why fix it? it this were the case then you last name would not be what it is now and neither would you mothers maiden name??? hmmmm
Reply:It is not a confusing system, Americans are just used to the old patriarchal system of the Anglo-Saxons. I am so sick of having to put up with this kind of society. I decided to keep my mother's maiden name and hyphenate when I got married. My husband also changed his last name to his mother's maiden name. It's interesting however that these are still coming from our mothers' fathers' line. No matter what, women got screwed in this system. I'd rather have something like they have in Sweden and no it's not confusing.
Reply:good one!!!
Reply:Yes of course. I hypened my name when I got married--I had my maiden name for 28 years so it was difficult to give up. I wanted to hypen my son's name, but to be fair for him, I want his spouse/or him to have the choice to hypen hers/his like I had. So it is up to the parent.
Reply:I think whatever someone likes, I kept my maiden name, but both my kids got their fathers, I did debate it, wondering why I felt the need to give them their dads name and not mine
Reply:yes i think that is a very good idea
Reply:Your absolutely right! Girls should take their mother's name!
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