Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's the rule about using the same middle name for both your boys?

My husbands middle name is Andrew and so is his fathers. Is it okay to use it again? My oldest son has this middle name. Now we are having our second can we use it again or should we go for something different? We don't want little one to feel left out.

What's the rule about using the same middle name for both your boys?
I think you can go either way. My aunt named gave all her girls the same middle name, Lee, which is also her middle name. They love all having the same middle name. I think it's a nice tradition, its sounds silly but they share a bond because of it and loving telling people the story. At the same time you are not obligated to give your son the same middle name as his grandfather, father, and brother. You could choose a different name, or it might be nice to integrate another family members name. How about your dad's name?
Reply:Sure go for it if you want. I would like to spread the names out a bit but it is totally ok. Why not give the baby your Dad's middle name? Or you can give him your husband's name for a middle name? But give the kid a family middle name for sure, then he won't feel left out but honored to have whoever it is name. But middle names are 100% fun so have fun and give your newest son whatever you want.
Reply:how about a variation of Andrew, like just Drew, or Andre, Andy, Anderson, or something similar, you can always give him something original too
Reply:I don't know. My mom, her three sisters, and my twin sister have the same middle name. I am the the odd one out, and it has never bothered me.
Reply:Yes its okay to use again, my husband and his brother share michael as their middle name, and they thinks its cool, its a great bond between them
Reply:Hunter Bradley

Blake Bradley
Reply:Middle name--no rule. Family bonds...Yay!
Reply:He won't feel left out. You'll be hearing "Mom, why didn't you give me a different name?" all the time.
Reply:Name him whatever you want. Seriously, who cares about the politics of it. Do what you feel is best.
Reply:Go for it. Name him Andrew.
Reply:i think that it is your son name him what you want who cares what other people think

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