Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do you like Jedidiah for a Boys Name?

Other Names I have chosen are:

Rylan Asher (Asher is Biblical)

Chase Alexander (Alexander is Biblical)

Joseph Kayden (Joseph is Biblical)

Jackson Kale (Jackson is Biblical)

Brayden Donovan (Brayden is Form of a Biblical Name)

Noah Andrew (Both Biblical Names)

Nehemiah Ryder (Nehemiah is a Biblical Name)

As you can see I like Biblical Names!

Can you Suggest Others w/Middle Names?

Middle Names for Jedidiah?

God Bless!

Do you like Jedidiah for a Boys Name?
I don't really like Jedidiah, honestly; I start hearing the Beverly Hillbillies theme music (Jed Clampett), which was actually titled "The Ballad of Jed Clampett." I think there are many wonderful Biblical names though, and I am a fan of them myself.

Asher is hands down my favorite of all the names you have picked. Rylan Asher works, as does Asher Rylan. I never like to give away my own name sets, but I'm expecting next July, and if it's a boy we're planning to name him Asher Theophilus. Asher means "happy; blessed" and Theophilus means "Friend of God" or "Loved by God." It is the Greek version of Amadeus, and it was Mozart's real christened name.

Chase Alexander is nice, I have always loved Alexander.

Joseph Kayden is nice, Joseph means "He [God] will add" and I have it tattooed inside my left wrist in Hebrew. It is my husband's name.

Jackson Kale I am not a fan of. Sorry.

Braydon Donovan is nice :)

Noah Andrew I would like more if both names weren't so dang common and popular.

Nehemiah Ryder I think I would like better reversed: Ryder Nehemiah

If you really love Jedidiah, maybe consider using it as a middle name instead of a first.

Here is a long list of masculine Biblical names along with their meanings. Any of these could be paired up easily for a nice first and middle, like Aaron Jadon, Gabriel Malachi, or Shiloh Zuriel. I have avoided overly popular names like Levi and John, and names with bad associations like Gomer and Ichabod. I also left out names with terrible meanings, and man, are there a lot of those.

Aaron --- A mountain; an immovable force

Abel --- Breath

Abidan --- My father is my judge

Abimael --- My father is God

Abiram --- My father is exalted

Abishai --- My father is a gift

Abraham --- Father of many

Abram --- High father (this was Abraham's name before Isaac was born. God changed it.)

Absalom --- My father is peace

Allon --- Oak

Alvah --- His highness

Ammiel --- God is my kinsman

Amram --- Exalted nation

Areli --- Lion of God

Ariah --- Lion

Azarel --- God has helped

Eli --- Ascension

Eliakim --- God rises

Elihu --- My God is Yahweh

Elisha --- My God is salvation

Enoch --- Dedicated

Enosh --- Human being

Ephraim --- Fruitful

Eran --- Watchful; vigilant

Erastus --- Beloved

Ezekiel --- God strengthens

Felix --- Lucky; successful

Gabriel --- Strong man of God

Gilead --- Monument of testimony

Hazael --- God sees

Herod --- Song of the hero

Hezekiah --- Yahweh strengthens

Hillel --- Praise

Hirah --- Splendor

Hoshea --- Salvation

Isaac --- He laughs

Ismael --- God will hear

Israel --- God contended

Ithiel --- God is with me

Jadon --- Thankful

Jair --- He shines

Jehiel --- God lives

Jeremiel --- God lifts

Jeremy/Jeremiah Yahweh has uplifted

Jesse --- Gift

Joel --- Yahweh is God

Joram --- Exalted by Yahweh

Josiah --- Yahweh supports

Judah/Judas/Jude --- Praised

Kenaniah --- Yahweh establishes

Lael --- Of God

Lazarus --- My God has helped

Lemuel --- Belonging to God

Lucius --- Light

Malachi --- My angel

Marcus --- Mars; man

Mattan --- Gift

Matthias --- Gift of Yahweh

Medad --- Love

Melech --- King

Raphael --- God has healed

Reuel --- Friend of God

Seth --- Appointed

Shiloh --- Tranquil

Tobiah --- Yahweh is good

Uri --- My light

Uriah --- Yahweh is my light

Uriel --- God is my light

Uzzi --- My power

Uzziel --- My power is God

Zadok --- Righteous

Zechariah --- Yahweh remembers

Zimri --- My praise

Zion --- From the name of a citadel which was in the center of Jerusalem

Zuriel --- My rock is God
Reply:Awesome name! I have the name Hadassah (Hebrew, Queen Esther's Jewish name, Esther 2:7) so I love unique names, especially Biblical.

Eli, 1 Sam. 1:3 - the offering or lifting up.

Titus, awesome book, especially Titus 3:5-6!, means pleasing, 2 Tim 2:13

Jackson also pretty cool, Jedidiah my fav though.
Reply:Elijah, Luke, Matthew, Jeremiah, Benjamin, Cain, Gabriel, Isaiah, Joel, Johnathan, Malcolm, Mark, Thomas, Tobias and Vincent are all also beautiful, biblical boy names. :)

yes, Jedidiah is very sweet. Jed is cute, too, for a nickname.

hope i helped. :]
Reply:I LOVE Asher as a first, or else Joseph or Noah. I don't like Jedidiah - Jed is ok, but the whole name too much. Same thing w/ Nehemiah. Rylan sounds feminine, Brayden sounds silly. Sorry :(

Go with Asher, Joseph, or Noah. Good, solid, classic masculine names.
Reply:I dislike most Biblical names. Noah is the only one half-decent. And of course Alexander, but Alexander is actually Greek in origin. The Bible people just borrowed it, so it's okay.

Jedediah is just... hickly.
Reply:Wow a question I can answer lol ...

I have a friend named Jedidiah, he's 13, and he still loves his name. .. everyone calls him "Jed" ... His middle name is Daniel which is biblical ...

Jedidiah Daniel

Idk I always thought it was very nice lol
Reply:Chase Alexander sounds nice, strong

so does Noah Andrew

those r my favorites

i like Jedidiah too. Though for short i like Jet instead of Jed...though that doesn't make much sense does it?

Jedidiah Adam sounds strong

Adam is Biblical isnt it?
Reply:Noah Andrew is great!

I really like Jedidiah. I know a Jedidiah Luke which I think is adorable. I also like Jedidiah Mark.
Reply:If you name your child Jedidiah, then you are legally obligated to make his middle name "Please don't beat me up in recess".
Reply:I'm not very religious so I hope Jedidiah is already Biblical.

Jedidiah Thomas

Jedidiah William

Jedidiah Michael
Reply:I love the name Jedidiah :) How about...








All Biblical if that's what you wanted :D
Reply:I love the name Joseph Kayden. Doi you like the name Adam? Maybe Adam Nicholas or Adam Michael?
Reply:I like Zebadiah better....
Reply:No sorry reminds me of the Beverly Hillbilly's....And the nickname Jed.........

Congrat's and Good-Luck:)

I'm not hateful at all...You did ask...............
Reply:Chase and Brayden
Reply:david maybe? or michael..james =]

christmas cactus

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