Thursday, July 22, 2010

We are looking for boys names. We like Shayan but we are not sure if it is a boy or girl name, any idea?

We are looking for non common names that can have a similar pronunciation in Spanish and English. Thank you

We are looking for boys names. We like Shayan but we are not sure if it is a boy or girl name, any idea?
I think Shayan is a girl's name. I had a friend in college and his name was Shaya. It's Iraqui, though, so I don't know if you'd wanna do that being that we are at war.
Reply:my name is shayan. its persian. it works for both girls and guys

and its pronounced shy-anne. Report Abuse

Reply:It is both male and female: Shayan is a very rare male first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).

It's meaning in Urdu is on this site, but it is in Urdu and I cannot read it:

It is Persian and means deserving and worthy.

It sounds like 'Cheyenne', which is usually a girl's name, sorry.

How about 'Shane' or 'Shawn', those are tradtionally boys names.
Reply:I like the name Shayan (it does remind me of the girl name Cheyenne because I like that name for a girl except for the fact that its fairly common) !! It is a boy name though spelled Shayan, its Persian and means Deserving, worthy!! Something more masculine if you want the Sha . . . Shane or Shaun! Without the Sha... Sebastian Lee . . I think thats a cute masculine boy name!




Reply:alejandro, alex im havin a boy and that guna be his name
Reply:well my sons names are BrandonMichael James, Luis Lucas, Javier Manel and Ethan Austin
Reply:I knew a girl named Shayan, not sure if it's exclusively a girls name, nice though.
Reply:Definately a girls name...

How about Peyton?

(Shayan sounds feminine to me...)

Best wishes:-)
Reply:Shayan for a dude?

That poor kid!!
Reply:lol Shayan sounds like a girls name. Sorry
Reply:i like AEIOUS.. (EYUS) or


lots of nice spanish names... :-)
Reply:hmmmm not sure
Reply:no but shyan is a boy name
Reply:it is a girls name i have a coach with that name
Reply:its more a girls name try these for a boy name and meanings........

Aaron Enlightened

Abbott Father

Abel Breath

Abner Father of Light

Abraham Exalted Father

Adam Man of Earth

Addison Son of Adam

Adler Eagle

Adley The Just

Adrian, Adrien The Dark One

Aedan, Aiden Born of Fire

Aiken The Oaken

Alan, Allan Handsome One

Alastair Defender of Men

Albern Of Noble Valor

Albert Noble, Bright

Albion White or Fair

Alden Wise Guardian

Aldis From the Old House

Aldrich Old Wise Leader

Alexander Great Protector

Alfie Form of Alfred

Alfred Supernaturally Wise

Algernon Bearded

Alston From the Old Manor

Alton From the Old Town

Alvin Noble Friend

Ambrose Immortal

Amery Industrious

Amos A Burden

Andrew Manly, Valiant

Angus Strong and Unique

Ansel Nobel

Anthony Priceless

Archer Bowman

Archibald Bold Prince

Arlen Pledge

Arnold Strong as an Eagle

Arthur, Art Champion, Follower of Thor

Arvel Wept Over

Atwater From the Waterside

Atwood Forest Dweller

Aubrey Ruler of the Elves

Austin Helpful

Avery Elfin Ruler

Axel Man of Peace

Baird Bard or Minstrel

Baldwin Princely Friend

Barclay Meadow of Birch Trees

Barnaby Prophet

Baron Nobleman

Barrett Bear-Like

Barry Marksman

Bartholomew Warlike

Basil King-like

Benedict Blessed

Benjamin Son of Right Hand

Benton Moor Dweller

Bernard Stern Bear

Bert Bright

Bevis Bowman

Blaine Lean or Thin

Blair Man of Flatlands

Blake Fair Complexioned

Bond Farmer

Boris Warrior

Bowen Son of Owen

Braden From the Broad Valley

Bradley from the Broad Meadow

Brandan, Brendan, Brendon Traveller

Brent From the Steep Hill

Bret, Brett Native of Brittany

Brian High, Noble, Strong

Brice Great Ambition

Brigham Dweller by the Bridge

Brock The Badger

Broderick Form of Roderick

Brooke A stream

Bruce Brushwood

Bruno Dark Complexioned

Bryant Strong

Buck The Deer

Bud Messenger

Burgess Citizen of a Town

Burton Fortress

Byron Bear

Cadman Warrior

Calvert Shepherd

Caldwell Near a Cold Well

Caleb Faithful

Calvin Bald

Carrick Rock

Carl Farmer

Carlton From Carl's Farm

Carney Warrior

Carroll Champion

Carter Cart Driver

Carver Wood Carver

Cary Fort

Casey Brave

Casper Treasure

Cecil Blind

Cedric Chieftain

Chad, Chadwick Warrior

Chalmers Lord of the Household

Chandler Candlemaker

Channing A Canon

Chapman Merchant

Charles Manly

Chatwin Warlike Friend

Chester Castle Dweller

Christian A Christian

Christopher Christ-Bearer

Clarence Famous

Claude Lame

Clayton, Clay The Clay Farm

Clifford, Cliff Near the Cliff

Clive Cliff Dweller

Clyde Heard from Afar

Coleman Dove

Colin People's Victory

Collier Miner

Conan Wise

Connell Friendship

Connor Lover of Hounds

Conrad Able in Counsel

Conroy Wise Man

Conway Hound in the Plain

Corwin The Raven

Crispin Curly Haired

Crosby Dweller by Town Cross

Culbert Cool and Brilliant

Culver Dove

Curt Short or Little

Curtis Courteous

Cuthbert Famous and Brilliant

Craig Rocky Hill

Cyril Lord-like

african daisy

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