Monday, July 19, 2010

What do you think of Oswald for a boys name?

Me and my fiance really want to name our first child Oswald, after Oswald Mosely. being that if he thinks his name is too formal he can shorten it to Ozzy, which is also rather cool. Opinions please? xx

What do you think of Oswald for a boys name?
I'm gonna go against the grain and admit to thinking the name is cute. It has character. It's a name he can grow with, not to mention it's awesome if he grows up and strikes it rich. Rich old men always have names like that. I mean face it, how many rich guys do you know or have heard of named "Brad" or "Seth". And besides, he'll be lucky because not everyone in his first grade class is gonna have his name. While he's young he can be Ozzy. When he hits adolescents and teen years he'll be Oz to all his friends. And maybe, just maybe he'll start a rock group and be immortalized in the anuals of rock history. With a somewhat secret false-shame of his real name being "Oswald". I think it's a GREAT name. Go for it! It's not nearly as bad as Apple (LoL). Congrats on your little bundle of joy.
Reply:Oswald is a better last name.

Good luck and congrats!
Reply:It wouldn't be my choice.
Reply:lol if I was named Oswald I wouldn't like it. No offense but I'd choose a less formal real name. Maybe... Blake? lol I love that name...
Reply:I like Ozzy
Reply:Personally I would not name my child that. He would be teased to with in an inch of his life. Children are cruel at a very young age. And they usually start with things like names. Ozzy or Ozzie can be cool if the child is a leader type child or Alpha child but if he is a shy or reserved child it will be pardon the expression hell on earth for him. Maybe a variation of the name or second name would be better say maybe just for an example say John Oswald or Jason Oswald and call him Ozzie that would still be cool and you could see what his personality is.
Reply:There's a stigma attached to that name, unfortunately. I would drop it. I'm sure that from the millions of names available on the internet name sites you can find an appealing name that does not remind the world of an assassin.
Reply:Would YOU Like to be called Oswald? I am not keen, it sounds very old man to me.
Reply:No. That just reminds me of the guy who shot Kennedy.
Reply:It is a nice name. Although it reminds me of the guy who was a suspected to be the killer of Kennedy.

I wouldnt be put off by that though :)
Reply:NO WAY sorry it sound like an old man
Reply:its different
Reply:I think it is really Cute, and when he gets to the age that he doesn't like it he has options to shorten it. I say go for it!
Reply:Ozzy or Oz. Yep.
Reply:I don't like that name

but it's your child so you name it whatever you want
Reply:I think that you should name your child a name that you will feel comfortable yelling out when he is in trouble, If I was you I would practice yelling it a few times to see if you really like it. Otherwise I would'nt let anyone deicide my childs name it is totally up to you and your husband.
Reply:I kinda like it (Ozzy anyway) but at the same time it makes me think of that blue cartoon character.

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